7.31.2010,9:43 AM
Is a rose really a rose?
Life often gets in the way of things; still going through the photos from recent stay in the desert, which still lingers in my subconsciousness like clinging dust.

A personal interest I have is toponyms, which is associated with how we ascribe symbols to places, events and other people; or names in general. We are products of language, thus, language imparts power. One delight of Big Bend is the various names ascribed to specific landmarks and landscapes in general. Why? Because, unlike most of Texas (and other places in this country, especially urban areas), many of the names are not associated with specific people.

For instance, the Butter Bowls; two neighboring hills.

Another is Witch's Tit. A name that challenges the modern sensitivities, but that remains in place (a similar example is Whorehouse Meadow in Oregon).

Regardless, it's hard to explore the deserts of Big Bend without sitting a spell and sharing observations.

I will post select photos as I weed through the collection from that trip.

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posted by Macrobe
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