I took the dislocated clavicle for a ride. After staying home yesterday on ice, I was bored senseless. This was going to be a lazy ride.Perusing through google and mapquest, I printed a few pages of maps, cut them to size and stuffed in my tank bag (need larger tank bag with bigger map window). Thought I would just start riding and see what beckoned.A skip and a hop and I'm on FM730, then to 199 frontage road to fill up with gas. Entered on 199 S searching for Wells Burnet Rd. It wasn't where the google map indicated it should be; my Hillbilly GPS let me down again. I really need a bono-fide GPS one of these days.Exiting 199 and backtracking, I stayed on the frontage road this time. All signs piont to Eagle Mountain Lake, but can you really get there from here?Finally, I found a teeny bitty road sign that indicated "Wells Burnet Rd" hidden behind tree branches. Whew. Turn here.
I stopped at the Eagle Mountain Marina to get my first view of the lake. A good sized marina and not very busy. But nice looking sailboats everywhere. The water near the launches were fowl with ducks and geese hunting for bread crumbs.Rode onto Ten Mile Bridge Rd and was greated with interspersed fun corners (posted speed 20-35 mph), gentle elevations and hardly any traffic. It was relaxing but fun and pleasant with touches of 4 on the Woohoo! Meter (compared to 10 on Woohoo! Meter and a few 5 on the Holy Shit!!! Meter on Saturday).Turned N (left) on Boat Club Rd with some nice fun road ribbon, and rode N a bit on 718. Glancing at the clock, I found a place to turn around (no U turns till seat's lowered) and headed S on Boat Club, retracing some of the route.This time I turned onto some of the side roads that are closer to the lake. Not finding any public parks, I stopped at the marinas, which were surprisingly quiet.
The first one I parked Whee and walked around to see if there was a picture anywhere. I found one or two. One image that caught my attention was the juxtaposition of the pointy sailboat masts against the fluffy texture of the clouds, looking like sticks pointing at the sky.I was aghast when I walked back to the bike and found it on its side with a big dog standing on the fairing and sniffing my tail bag. Whee was downed by a dog. I yelled at the dog and he looked up at me with a stupid face as if to say "Whattsamattahyou?". He removed his front paws from the silver-blue body of my bike and approached me wagging his tail. Oh bother.........For a bike that weighs less than my cruiser, it sure ain't easy to pick that bugger up. A young man seeing me struggle with getting it upright (on a decline, no less) helped me righten it and I assessed the damage. It now has matching broken front signals and the lens cap on the back signal snapped off. both still work. After Saturday's mishap, I threw in a roll of new electrical tape before I left today. I didn't expect to need it so soon.Suppressing a feeling of 'Bummer, dude!' coming on, I put eveything back together, sat on Whee for a bit to still the adrenaline. Then carefully pulled out of the lot and back on the road. Back on Boat Club Road, I turned right on Boat Club Rd (yes, a side street with the same name). Rode to the end and into the huge expanse of marina there. Very clean and well kept grounds, I wanted to just lay under the trees on the expanse of green grass and take a nap.
Having a love affair with sailboats since I can remember, I caught two on the water and framed by trees and grass.
On the way back to the *main* Boat Club Rd, I caught sight of this monstrosity. It reminded me of a Jimi Hendrix song, but I changed the words a bit.
"Castles made of rock fall into the lake, eventually....."
Knowing I had to get my hair cut, and feeling the irresistable tug of ice cream, I rode into Lake Worth and took care of that. Stopped and picked up some oil (surprisingly, it was low in the bike) and headed home up 199 and 1886. Sitting with laptop and ice again.
Oh boy.
That is my account of La Little Lazy Lake Loop That Could.
And how Whee lost his second signal. Oh, the growing pains.......
"It's not bikes that should be feared, but not allowing yourself to live."