5.29.2007,8:43 PM
Ozarks High: Road of Pain
Unbeknown to me while I was on my solo ride, friend and Fearless Leader Bill went down on Hwy 123. Notorious for the number of casualties, this road is rated high in technicality due to its miles and miles of tight twisting road. It has claimed many motorcycle riders and their bikes.

Bill and his bike went down while trying to recover from going onto a gravel shoulder. The group of riders stopped and attended to his needs and moved the bike from the road. Paramedics were called and a life flight helicopter transported Bill to a Fayettville hospital.

He was lucky to sustain only a separated shoulder and dislocated clavicle. It could have been much worse. After returning home, the X-rays revealed he would need surgery.

By the time I reached the motel and was informed of the accident, transportation for Bill and his wife, and their bikes, was arranged and ready to pick them up for the long ride home back to Texas.

I wish to give Bill kudos for his excellent job of organizing and leading eleven bikes on a long trip over technical roads to Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It was a daunting task. I don't even like leading two other riders. I can't imagine eleven.

I'm also honored to consider Bill a good friend.

Hang in there, dude.

Melanie -Bill's wife; Bill and Chris -Bill's henchman.

The Two Bills: Bill No. 1 and Bill No. 2.
Bill Two's BMW GS is sweet.


posted by Macrobe
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