8.23.2007,10:37 PM
Sherpie's Home!
The new baby is safe and sound wrapped up in her comfy cover next to big bro Whee after being stranded in Pennsylvania for several months. The Bike Stork's GPS got confused.......From his station at Forward Air in Austin, Tad kept me informed of Sherpie's arrival at the terminal in Philadelphia and the status of the crate within an hour of when the bike was secured inside. He tracked it all the way and emailed me updates for the next two days while the Sherpa traveled southwest. With relief and excitement, I received an email from Tad Wednesday night that the crate was unloaded and in the DFW terminal waiting for me to pick it up the next morning. The bike was here in less than 48 hours!Thursday morning Ed and I finally found the Foward Air terminal in Grapevine after navigating street construction and with limited visual reconnaissance (I can't turn my head to the right). The trailers outside were being washed and they were all spic and span clean, which was an indication of the warehouse inside: orderly and clean. Everyone inside was helpful and efficient. Watching the forklifts maneuver around, they reminded me of bumper cars.We both looked around for a gray crate amidst the sea of cardboard boxes and wooden crates. Finally we spotted a stack of crates along a wall, and in the front, a single crate with a lock on it. We suspected that was Sherpa's cocoon and sure enough, the forklift driver positioned his rig to pick it up.
Sherpie went for a ride down a ramp and outside where my truck waited for its precious cargo. I unlocked the front door before the crate was positioned; I was slightly anxious.And there she was!!!
She was well secured in the crate with five tiedowns. After releasing her, she slowly came out of her crate into the new world of Texas:"Mommy!!"
"Wow, what's this bright stuff?? Um, could you put me back together, please?"
We reconnected the battery cables, attached the one mirror and fed her gas. And, yes, she did have to be burped. I'm going to have to get used to using a choke again.An incoming tractor trailer needed our space so I coaxed her to run and we went for a short ride in the parking lot (my few minutes of Squidlyness).
I realized that the shift lever is way too high; Gerry must have huge feet. I have to lower it because I can't shift up!Using Ed's ramp we pushed it up into the bed of the truck and we secured it in place.
Leaving Grapevine we headed to a bike shop for inspection. Full Boar's state inspection guy was out with the flu, so we had to go to West Texas Harley in Bedford. The folks there were polite, helpful and friendly. They run a clean and nice shop there. While we waited, we looked at the Harleys, which was fun (too much chrome!).By that time we were starving so we had lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant nearby, Lupe's. Ed had errands to run and I went on a mission to find another mirror for the right side. With no luck. Cycle Gear didn't have one that would work, so I'll have to find one elsewhere.I drove to the county tax office to register and plate the Sherpa. Armed now with inspection sticker, plates and tags, I stopped at a convenience store for celebration: ice cream!!!! The ice cold (and it was really cold) double fudge bar was deeeelicious.Finally arrived home, hot, sweaty, tired. My neighbor, Dave, helped me unload Sherpie and he was smitten by her, too. He reminisced about the days he rode his 125cc around the campus during college and longs to be riding a bike again. But his wife has staunchly vetoed that idea and told me once I'm a bad influence on him.Still hot, but a nice breeze welcomed us home with some puffy clouds.
Sherpie is spending a bit of time with her big bro, Whee (she's shy
I just put her cover on and they are both snoozing in the breeze until tomorrow.I've already started a list:* Change shifter position asap* need cheap right mirror asap, will replace both later with good fold-in mirrors* Change brake fluid. (already have speed bleeder valve for it)* Change seal in shifter; it has a slow oil leak* Figure out luggage system; tail bag first, side bags later.* tires are semi-knobbies and in good shape!!* front fender can waitSaturday will be our inaugural ride and adventure!Sherpie and I thank Kurt, Tad, Ed, Ana, and all the other Two Wheeled Texans for their help bringing her home. It wouldn't have made it here without your help. Thanks to all!Labels: bikes