10.09.2007,8:14 AM
Blog Action Day. Oct. 15, 2007
"What would happen if every blog published posts discussing the same issue, on the same day?
One issue. One day. Thousands of voices."

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

On October 15th, 2007, bloggers throughout the web, around the world, will unite to exposit an important matter to everyone: our environment. By propagation through blog posts in the blogosphere ideas, opinions, facts and figures, questions, concerns, rants, pleadings, poems, quotes, stories, testimonies, observations......

By virtue of written language, hundreds, perhaps thousands of voices will be heard on a commonality between not just each other as humans, but perhaps indirectly by every entity upon this planet. A meme spreading through cyber space in which the participants are us; you.

I challenge readers, all of you, to become involved. Bloggers,
be a part of Blog Action Day; blog a post about the environment on your sites. Those who do not blog, join the collective and perform an action demonstrating your support. Show that you do care.

This is our Spaceship Earth and we have to clean and maintain it just like our houses in which we live.

This planet is our home.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
— Mahatma Gandhi


posted by Macrobe
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