10.04.2007,12:56 PM
Ride-about in Hill Country: Off my rocker?

North of Stephenville I began the hunt for the world's largest cedar rocker.... and a bowl of cobbler with ice cream. West of Lipan on HWY281 is Natty Flatt Smokehouse and home of one tall rocking chair! It was easy to find.



I pulled into the gravel parking area and eased my fatiguing body off the bike, hoping the cafe was still open. The clock on the bike read 4:35 pm and on a Sunday one never knows when establishments close their doors. Luckily it was open until 5 pm and I was the only customer. The folks inside were friendly as can be, dishing up a bowl of warm blackberry cobbler with a scoop of ice cream and making a fresh pot of coffee for me. I needed something to keep me going the last leg of the trip home. The humid Texas heat was draining my energy. Apparently, riding through the small town of Energy had not replenished the energy I lost on the Lost In Space leg of the trip.

Sitting comfortably on a rough-hewn cedar bench I gazed out the window as I gobbled my cobbler with ice cream and sipped on coffee. Afterwards I prowled around outside, used the outhouse for my second pee of the day, and took some photos.



Chatting with a few friendly folks stopping by for a look-see or eats at the cafe, I felt rejuvenated and ready for the rest of the leg home. I rode north and northwest, skirting Weatherford by riding FM roads around it and ended up on the familiar FM roads that took me the rest of the way home. I arrived with the sun almost ready to set on the horizon, unloaded the bike, and refreshed myself with a long shower.

My rideabout was indeed a rewarding walkabout on two wheels with adventures upon which I can build upon and extend later. It was also a welcomed reprieve from everything at home. I smiled as I sat outside on the bench watching the sun set, becoming aware that I felt 'lighter' and free of a ghost or two that have haunted me over the few months.

They are gone and I am renewed.

The entire trip report is here and begins with the first post at the bottom.

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posted by Macrobe
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