7.17.2006,11:14 AM
Maniacal Grins!!!
In honor of Motorcycle Week and in celebration of riding bikes, a friend and I are hosting a website "Maniacal Grins on Bikes".
A commonality between many riders is a maniacal grin when riding; when it all feels 'right', when the euphoria hits you and swells inside, putting a maniacal grin on your face.
It communicates to ourselves and others "Oh yeah, this feels good!"
So email us your digital images of maniacal grins, yours or another's, on or off the bike (after riding).
Add a caption, too.
Please be considerate of file size; don't send gigantic files. We'll announce when it goes public (in a few days).
And you fellow motorcycle bloggers, announce it on your blogs. Link to this blog site or post. Send those grins our way!!!