12.08.2011,1:45 PM
A Personal Weekend
I usually avoid or ignore my birthday. Actually, I often forget it. This year, when asked, "What do you want for your birthday?", my response was "Nothing. I don't want any 'thing'. I want to go camping and be with my wild buddies." And so we did. 

We spent a lovely weekend at the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge near Lake Texoma (a reservoir on the Red River, bordering Oklahoma). We tent camped in the woods along the shore (or, what was once the shore) of the lake. Most of Saturday and Sunday, we hiked and explored the refuge. We also partook of a fund-raiser for the refuge; the Wild Pig BBQ. Smoked and roasted by volunteers and staff right there on the refuge (overpopulating feral pigs are an ecological problem on the refuge).

Before I post photos and stories, below is a quick and short video about tracking in the refuge.

Tracking at Hagerman NWR from TexasShadow on Vimeo.
A short video of a day at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Texas.


posted by Macrobe
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